Saturday, November 5, 2011

Heck-ted Weekend Blog #9

This past weekend was a great weekend I must say. On Friday I went to my cousin and friend’s cheer practice at Pierce College. After that we had a movie night at my house and had pizza and ice cream. That was a really great way to start my weekend. 

On Saturday I was with my little cousin’s at the Moorpark College Zoo. Later on at night I got to spend some time with friends I hadn’t spend time with in a long time. To top it off it was the weekend of Halloween. How exciting-----On Saturday night my friend Jonessa had a Halloween party up in Porto Ranch. My cousin Sandy, her boyfriend and a couple of our friends decided to go for a while. Since one of our other close friend, Kaitylnn was having a Halloween party as well. It was pretty chill at Jonessa’s. It was pretty much a kick back. A lot of people drinking, having a great time and what not. So we didn’t stick around for a very long time. At my friend Kaitylnn’s house it was more of a family party. That’s were my Saturday night ended. It was so much fun. They had all kinds of great games. Like the bucket apple game, the chair game and we even danced to the song Thriller by Michael Jackson. It was so funny seeing my friend Kaitylnn parents and grandparents dancing with us. My night ended on a great note. 

On Sunday my two sisters Erica (16 years old) and Valerie (13 years old) went over to my cousin Sandy’s house. Our parents had gone to San Diego for a wedding and we didn’t want to stay home alone. We decided to have a girl’s movie night. But for some reason when my cousin and I hang out we never stay alone. Some of our friends came over later on at night and we went to this view up in the Little Tujunga Canyon Rd. It’s near Sunland. We didn’t stick around for a long time, it was 10 minutes before Halloween and we ended up in gravity hills. Gravity hill is next to the Jewish cemetery and supposedly at night the “KKK” people come out. I had been to gravity hills so many times, and never had I seen them. This change that night, we were on our way out of the cemetery when I seen a truck stop. My heart dropped, and there was about five people coming out the truck dressed in white. I didn’t think much of it, until I seen two people put a white pointy hat over their heads. We all got very scared and left.  Never again will I dare to go back. 

Monday night came, it was Halloween already and I went out to West Hollywood with some friends and my cousins.  It was pretty fun. We went to two clubs and had a great time. This weekend has been the busiest weekend by far.  

At our friend Jonessa's party(:
Thania, Me, Kaitlynn, Manny and my cousin Sandy(:

At West HollyWood with my cousin Nancy(:

There’s the link to the (Little Tujunga Rd.)
I couldn’t find one for Gravity Hills, But I’m sure you all have heard of it. (:

Sorry I don't have picture's of sunday night at the Tujunga View or of Gravity Hills since it was really dark.
By flash on my camera didn't cooperate with me. :(


  1. I have never heard of Gravity Hills. I googled it, and this is what I found: "Gravity Hills are locations where supposedly if you park your car and leave it in neutral it will somehow roll up the slope of the nearby hill. One of the more popular legends behind gravity hills involves the death of children . . . According to popular legend, you can see the children's handprints if you put baby powder on the front of your car, as their fingers and hands will appear in it as they push. . ." Is this what you are talking about?

  2. Yes that is the place I'm talking about.
    This saturday a couple of my friends and I went up to Gravity Hills again. My friend's car window's got foggy, and on our way down there was two perfect little hang prints in the passengers window. I don't want to think much of it, but then again we didn't have kids with us.

  3. Your weekend looked really fun, I wish I was able to join. I remember when we went to Gravity Hills nothing scary really happened to us. Either way I would of been to of a chicken to even get scared like that. That's even scarier with the little hand prints that were on the car. Next time you go, you should invite me. Nice Blog.

  4. I have only been to Gravity Hills once. It wasn't that scary since we went around 9:00 p.m. I heard it gets scarier when you go at midnight; alot more things happen. And next time you go you should take me lol :p Great Blog.

  5. Yeah i have never been to gravity hills before but people who have gone told me that when you put baby powder on the back of your car that hand prints will come out. Maybe ill go there to see if its true.

  6. I have gone ther so many time and all there is is just a bunch of raicists. I suggest that no minorities go it is a very bad area .. you should try looking into the slymar condemed psychiatric instatution thats is a reallly scary place i got spooked and wont ever go back..

  7. Based on what you said about the KKK members, I agree with Victor, I suggest that everyone stay away from this area.
