Saturday, October 29, 2011

Moorpark College "Boo At The Zoo" Blog #8

What a beautiful sunny saturday afternoon on October 29th, 2011. My cousin Sandy and I decided to take our little cousin's Jenny and Mikey to the Moorpark College Zoo. They don't have a whole lot of animals to see. It's pretty much a Mini Zoo, but you do get to learn a lot about each animal which makes the experience so much memorable. They had so much fun seeing all the animals and learning different things about each animal. We arrived at 2:00p.m and started our day by looking at all the animals they had. 

We saw an American Alligator (Alligator Mississippiensis), the America Alligator is from the spanish, which means "the lizard." Did you know that a male America Alligator typically grows to be between 13 to 15 feet long. While the female usually grows up to about 10 feet long. That's so crazy; isn't that!!!! I never knew that until today. The reason why I shared this information about the American Alligator was because. It was the one of the animals that caught my attention. We got to see so many wonderful animals. We saw a lamb, Bobcat, Mountain Lion, Female Lion, Monkeys, Spur-Winged Plover, A well trained Dog, Lizards, A 500 pound tortoise & last but not least... My favorite type of bird. A Burrowing Owl. I think that was my favorite part about visiting the Moorpark zoo. 

My heart literally dropped when I saw the burrowing owl. In high school I did a project in my graphic computer design class, about that partially owl. It felt so good, being able to share some few things about the burrowing owl to my cousin Sandy, Jenny and Mikey. I even shared it with the people taking care of the burrowing owl. The information I shared about the Burrowing owl was, that in the mid-east people use the Burrowing Owl as a target "practice" shooting. The Burrowing Owl is so kind, that when it sees humans it does not flee nor tries to hide away. Which that makes it an easy target for practice shooting. So harmful to this poor innocent owl. I was so glad I got to see the Burrowing Owl in person. :D (I'm still super HAPPY). 

After learning many things about each animal we took a brake, and had lunch. We got to see a show on The Lamb, Turtle from South America, Trained dog named Ciara & the smallest monkey in South America. It was so nice how the people from the show made all the kids say (trick-or-treat) and put their finger on their nose while saying it. That was so the next animal could come out. After seeing the show, we got to see the lions & bobcat get feed by their trainer. It was nice seeing them, because they would have them doing tricks in order for them to get feed. 

My little cousins Jenny and Mikey had such a great time. They got to learned about the few animals Moorpark College Zoo had. They also got to play games and win Halloween prizes. The Zoo had staff members painting kids faces. My little cousins decided they both wanted to get something. My little cousin Jenny(5 Years Old) got a pink and purple butterfly drawn on her face. Mikey(6 Years Old) on the other hand, decided to go with the bad boy look. Lol, He got a web tattoo on his arm with a spider on it. It was a wonderful afternoon spending it with my cousins. Especially because it was an outdoor activity, and i love the outdoors. 

Jenny & Mikey 

Mikey, searching for coins. To be able to get a Halloween price.




Mikey and Jenny playing a game.

America's Teaching Zoo Show

Having lunch.

Jenny's Butterfly Face(:

Mikey's Cool tattoo(:

Burrowing Owl :D Wish I could've take him home with me ):

Cousin Sandy and I. This trip was suppose to be for our little cousins. But I think we had the most fun at the Moorpark College Zoo. We were so fascinated with all the animals there, more than Jenny and Mikey. lol (:

Leaving Moorpark College Zoo(:

Have such an amazing day with my cousins(:

On our way Home(:


  1. I had to google "burrowing owl." Totally cute :)

  2. why did the alligator caught your attention Burrowing owl i never heard of it until now. you should describe how it looks like. I also had to Google it and yeah its cute X). Yeah that sucks,I don't like that they use them for target practice. Great blog.

  3. Burrowing owls are cute :) I remember when I went to a zoo in L.A. and there were alot of those owls. Totally cute :)Didn't know they had those types of owls in Moor Park College zoo. Did they put those owls recently because I remember a friend of mines went to that zoo and she never told me about seeing those types of owls.

  4. Thats really cool you should show me the moves for training dogs. I bet you and sandy were all having so much fun . i can pitcure you two running and acting like little kids.
