Sunday, October 9, 2011

Blog#4----- 5 Things like/love.

I didn't have a clue on what to write my blog this week. So I choose my favorite number "5." So I decided to write about five things that I like/love.

My parents.
1. Family--- My Parents

Every single person has capabilities, abilities and gifts. In this story, my family has the capability to make me happy, the ability to make me do better and bigger things and sure are the gifts to my life. Family is something I definitely consider before anyone. I’m very close to all of my family. I I’m very blessed to have the family I do, and I’m very proud of that. My parents have been together for 19 years already. They were each others sweetheart in high school, and grew their love to a bigger extent. I sure do look up to both of them. My parent’s aren’t like most parents. I consider them more than parents---they are my best friends. 

My main friends. Missing one to complete the 13 of us.

2. Friends--- That turn into family

I’m not the type of person to have a big group of friends that I can consider all of them very close to me. But all of it changed my junior year in high school. I grew a special bond with 13 special people, eleven girls and two guys. Each and one of them have a special place in my heart. I never thought I can share the deepest secrets with all of my friends. But these are my friends that turn into family in my life. I’m very bless to have a big group of friends, that I can count on. 

With my little cousin, during our hike.

3. Going out--- Hiking

I love going out. Whether it’s going for a walk, watching movies or shopping. Something I love the most is, hiking. I love to take long walks. Two years ago on Valentines Day my family and I decided to spend our morning hiking on a mountain full of snow. How exciting was that for me. I don’t recall the name of the place, but it was such a beautiful place. I enjoy the out doors very much. If it has to do with walking and exploring new routes, I’m so in it. 
Having dinner at Claim Jumper. One of my favorite restaurants.

4. Food---

When it comes to food I’m a very picky eater. I don’t eat meat AT ALL!!!! Never did, never will. Ever since I was little I’ve dislike it. I’m somewhat of a veggie person. I say that because I do eat chicken. But I can’t eat the chicken if it’s on the bond.  How weird is that, Right? I really don’t like eating in fast food restaurants. I rather choose restaurants before going into any fast food restaurants. 

My favorite summer Cathy Jean sandals.

5. Shoes--- Heels & Boats.

Shoes Shoes Shoes!!!!! I love shoes. But when I say shoes, I don’t mean regular shoes. In fact, you will never see me wearing regular shoes, only if I’m going running or hiking. I’m more into boats, sandals, flats, and heels. I love wearing heels the most. If it was for me, I would wear heels everyday. I own over 30 pairs of heels, 6 boats, 13 sandals and 4 running shoes. I know by the end of the year, I will be needing a much bigger space to put all of my shoe collection.


  1. Sorry guys, I messed up on the title for #5.
    It's Shoes--- Heels & "BOOTS".

  2. I just noticed that i placed "boats" instead of "boots" through out my topic lol.. my bad. Major typo..

  3. I like how you said your parents were high school sweethearts that's really cool..Im happy for you. Thats crazy you have too many shoes!!! let me barrow a pair..

  4. I agree family is everyones biggest love. It is very strange how a group of friends
    Can become family, it's a very strong friendship WE have!(:
    And yeah you do love boots, sandals, and especially heels. I would
    Know haha. Well thanks for sharing your 5 favorite things.(:

  5. Yeah I agree with both of you with family. The number one thing in this world is you family. I'm also a very picky eater. You don't like meat? what?. lastly wow you have that many shoes. I only got one pair of shoes. Great job thanks for sharing.

  6. I also agree family plays a significant part in your life both support and love. Wow Victor how can she let you borrow a pair of shoes if she has girl shoes. Did you think of that? Guess not. lol! Great blog (:

  7. Victor-- Thank you. Ha, I don't think you will fit in my shoes lol..

    Selina-- Of course you would know I love shoes (: Your my best friend.

    Johnny-- Family is something very special to me and yes, I do not eat meat at ALL!!!!

    Mauricio-- Thank you(:

  8. I'm embarrassed to admit that I thought "boats" was some sort of hip/modern term that I just didn't understand :)

  9. How funny, but it's okay :) I was just rushing and didn't pay any attention.
