Sunday, October 16, 2011

Blog #6 My Main Friends (P.M’s)

Thania, Jose, Selina & I. Founders of our group<3

January 16, 2010 is when it all started. Jose, Thania, Selina and I started a group called (P.M’s,) which stands for pretty monsters. This group would be a group of just close friends only. So it started with eight of us. Later on through the year five close friends of ours got into our little group, which made 13 special people. Before making this group of close friends we were already very close to on another. We just wanted to make something special, that later on in the future we would all look back to it. My main friends are more than just friends. They are my family. I am so blessed with wonderful individuals. Each one of them plays a special role in our group. From being the responsible one, to the crazy one, the loudest, the quite one, to the one that is always organizing events for all of us to get together. The special thing about my friends is that no matter what the situation is we always try to be there for on another. We always figure a way out of a bad situation to a good situation.

Jose, Jasmine, Teffany, Marielle, Selina, I, Christine and Nancy. 

The special thing about our group is that everyone has their own personalities, which makes our group fun.
  • Jose, is the one that is always making the group get loud and crazy. Without him the group isn’t the same. He’s carefree, doesn’t care what people thing of him and he’s just very very loud.
  • Thania, she’s the sweetest. Very down to earth girl. People see her as the calm one. But there’s a twice in her, that no one really knows unless your very close to her.
  • Selina, is calm as well. Might seem quite at times, but when it comes to being around our close friends the true side of her comes out. We like to say the “black girl” comes out. (: But only when were having a good time.
  • Sandy, is the loudest. She loves to make the group laugh when there is something going wrong. You can never go wrong with her.
  • Jasmine, she’s the responsible one from the group. She is always the one that actually thinks before we decide to do something.
  • Stephanie, is the quite on from our group. She likes to give advice, but doesn’t like to ask for any. She’s like the mother of our group.
  • Teffany, is the littlest one from the group. But the feistiest one, if someone does anything to one of our group members. You’re defiantly on her bad side. She likes to look over us. 
  • Christine, is very outgoing. No better words to describe her.
  • Marielle, is the smart one from our group. But takes everything very slow. Which makes her funny at times.
  • Nancy, is the one that doesn’t really care about anything. She just likes to go with the flow. 
  • Dina, has a huge heart. She's always thinking of others before her self, which makes her very special.
  • Drahnier, is the perfect one from our group. He is the one that worries about EVERYTHING. He’s just very perfectionist. 
One does not belong in this picture & missing two friend to complete the special 13.
"Though miles may lie between us we are never far apart, for our friendship doesn't count miles its measured by the heart. -unknown<3


  1. I love that your blog features Selina :)

  2. yea at my table you guy were known as the COOL KIDS. haha Thats so true what you said about d. i remember you guy were always loud ! i would turn my back just to try to talk to carlos/

  3. Yeah i would see you guys always together. I also agree with you that jose was pretty loud. I didn't know him, but i would see him at school and he would get everyone to yell and be really loud.

  4. I like how you stated everyone's personality. I also agree that people's personality make a group unique. Great blog :p

  5. I like that this blog features Selina... and she didn't post a comment ;)

    Be sure that when you do make comments, each are 3-5 solid sentences.
