Sunday, September 25, 2011

Movie Night-------Turn Into An Aventura Blog! (:

This past week was so crazy. On Thursday my cousin invited me to her house for a girls movie nigh. We had pizza and chips. It was a good time. Most of all of our girl friends couldn’t make it. But we still had a great time. The only ones that made it was my friend Jasmine, Alma, Yvette, Wendy and my Cousin Sandy’s boyfriend Manny. We watched the movie “Switched”. It was a great movie. After the movie night was over we all, were catching up and having a great time. In a couple of hours it was going to be my cousin’s boyfriend “18” birthday. I remember telling him to stay so we can sing “Happy Birthday”, but he couldn’t stay since he had to take Jasmine home and he also had work the next morning.

As he was leaving he told my cousin, “I thought you were going to do me a surprise dinner or something, since the girls were over.” We all laughed at him. My cousin felt bad, but told him, “Babe this was a movie night just for the girls and I, so we can catch up on things. You’re lucky you were invited.” Poor Manny actually thought we had something plan out for him. Everyone left my cousin house and, I decided to sleep over. We were in her room talking and she told me, “dude I feel bad because Manny thought I was having something for him.” We should take him a cake to his house at 12:00 or something cute. I wasn’t in the mood. But I told my cousin, how about we just go and decorate his car how you did it last year.  She didn’t want to do the same thing. But I told her it should be a tradition every year on his birthday. That’s something cute and creative.

So 12:00 came, and we were on Skype singing “happy birthday” to him. After we were done he said, “I have to go to sleep, I have work early in the morning.” So we said bye and started our plan for his decorations of his cars. Our friend Yvette picked my cousin and me and, took us to Walgreens. It was 12:30 and we were buying the things to decorate his car. We got to his house around 1 in the morning. We were so scared of getting caught by him. Since we were going to make a lot of noise, decorating the car with the string spry. We started to decorate his car with streamers. I even cut out an “18 number” out of a poster, and put balloons all over his car. At one point we got scared, because a cop car past by, while we were decorating his car. But he saw we were writing “Happy Birthday” so didn’t stop to check up on us. Our hearts had drop for a second. After the cop had kept driving we continued with the decorations. We were finally finished. We took a lot of picture of our crazy night. This movie night had turn into an adventure. We ended our night at jack in the box, treating ourselves with mid-night sacks. After a job well done. 

Before our adventure began (: With our zebra tape. We try looking for black tape, or some sorta of black maker. Because we wanted to look like we were on a mission. Ha!

Writing Happy Birthday(:

This is something silly, I decided to write(:

 My cousin Sandy (:

1:30 in the morning, doing arts and crafts. I told my cousin, "Only would I be cutting out of a poster in the middle of the night."

Hope you enjoyed my movie night. That turned into an adventure. (:


  1. the movie switched what was it about? I never heard of it. Awe that sucks for Manny , you guys should of made him something. Well looks liked you had fun, well tell Manny i said happy birthday.

  2. I enjoyed your movie night that turned out to an adventured(: I also have the same concern as Jonathan the moive switched what was it about?

  3. I missed out, but it sounds like you had a lot of fun. I remember I saw those pictures on facebook. I wish I was there to help you guys. It was funny how I saw Manny at my little brother's football team's car wash, to wash off the writing, But you had a fun day.
