Sunday, September 18, 2011

Grad-night at Disneyland Blog! (:

All-nighters at Disneyland sounds like a dream come true, right?  It’s called “grad-night” and it has been an icon of both the park-and California for many years. It’s a symbol that high school seniors have made it and deserves a party of their own, entire one their parents can sanction, and one in which they can participate with abandon. I got the chance to go and spend an entire night at Disneyland with my friends. This is one of the activities all seniors are look forward to at the end of their senior year. 

The day before grad-night I was in the hospital due to high fevers and I tend to get sick a lot from my tonsils. So that didn’t help my situation at all. The doctor had told my mom that I wasn’t going to be allowed to attend grad-night because that would affect my heath and I would be back in hospital. He had also said, “I had to take a week off school.” That was crazy talk, I thought to myself since I was graduating the following Friday. All I could do was pray I would get better for grad-night. Especially since it was something I had work so hard for and it was also one in a life time thing for Disneyland to have a night just for teenagers. I couldn’t let this pass me by. I hadn’t been absent my senior year. So I decided to take off the day of grad-night to rest, just so I could be good for the night. 

As the time came close to grad-night I was still feeling sick, but I made sure I was wearing warm clothes. I took my medication and I got a bit better. With the motivation of getting ready with my best friend Selina helped me a lot. It was a good time. On our way to Disneyland my friends and I were so anxious to get there. We all decided to take a little nap just so we can be wide awake for the rest of the night ahead of us. We had arrived to the theme park at 10:00 but due to so many buses students were forced to wait in lines and on the buses for more than an hour. The system in place at the park involves a Disneyland Cast Member boarding each bus and providing students with a wristband. So we didn’t get into the park till 11:30.

I remember seeing so many buses and schools from all over the valley. Some school even came from out of state. Overall Grad-night was just how I had imagined it would be. I got to experience a night with all my friends I would never forgot of. Despite the fact I was sick, I turn my night upside down and made the best of it. I wasn’t going to let anything come in the way of my hard achievements. Grad-night will always be one of the best highlights of my senior year activities. 


This picture was taken, while waiting for the privates of the Caribbean ride.  

I took this picture when I entered the theme park. (:

First picture of the night with all my close friends.

My girls and I. After coming from the hip-hop club.

Hope you enjoyed my blog on my grad-night experience. (:


  1. I totally agree with you that grad night is one of those memories that I will never forget. I'm glad you made the best of it even though you were sick. The only thing I suggest is that for those who haven't got the chance to go to disneyland you should go more into the matter and give more description about disnneyland be sure to include the five senses other than that awesome essay and night :D

  2. Mauricio,

    Thank you. I will take the advise; and I sure did make my night a good one. Despite my illness. (:

  3. i was sick too,and i felt like passing out when we were going back home ..

  4. That's good that you got to go to Disneyland. Yeah i remember grad night i had so much fun. I also remember the buses there were so many i lost count on 50.

  5. I totally agree that GradNite was one of the nights to remember during senior year. Only if we could go back to high school just do that again, wouldn't that be fun? Yes, it was amazing, and it was nice having a blast with all close friends and busting an all nighter. I remember we didn't even go home and slept,probably like for 5 minutes but that was it. Well I'm glad you enjoyed it and so did I.
