Friday, September 30, 2011

Blog #4 Inspiration and a proud sister I am.

My sister Erica is fifteen years old. Her birthday is December 2, 1998. As you can tell I’m the oldest one, and she’s the middle child. I grew up with a younger sister and it took me a while to realize how special she was. At first I saw her as an annoyance, inconvenience, and a rival for attention. I often wished and prayed she would leave, but as the years grew, I gradually came to accept the fact that she wasn't going anywhere. Over the years our relationship grew and changed and gradually we reached a point of friendship. More than friendship I would say. It’s more like a special best friend bond.  I choose my sister as my topic for this weekend because, she inspirers me to do my best. Although she may be younger than be, she plays a huge role in my life. She wasn’t always close to me. When we were little I remember fighting a lot with her, over the silliest things.

The reason why I say she inspires me so much is because the way she is with others. She is so sensitive and is always trying to find a way to help people out. Erica is such a smart girl too. Ever since she was in elementary she never liked missing school, even though she would be sick in bed. She will still get up and do her best. She graduated elementary with high honors and perfect attendance. She also got a special award from the president for having good grades and prefect attendance. The elementary she attended was Montague Charter Academy. The same elementary my parents and I attended.  

Going into Triumph Charter middle school, I couldn’t be happier for her. She still proceed on having great grades and surely enough. Graduated from middle school with honors again. She even got the chance to go with a few friends from her middle school to Washington, Boston and New York as their 8th grade last trip. Her graduation was taken place in CSUN. I remember crying so much that day, because I was seeing my little sister turn into a young lady. Now she was going to enter high school. I was kind of scared for her. Since she wasn’t going to attend a public school like me. I didn’t know how it was going to be for her, being at a community charter.  But I was so proud of her achievements and hard work.

She entered CCECHS, it stands for (Community Charter Early College High School). Erica is still doing a great job. She has played every sport a girl can possibly play. She just entered the 10th grade and is currently in cheer and dance. She is doing an awesome job at it. I know she will get into the best university because she has never gotten a “F”, “D’s” and “C’s” as a grade. She has always been an “A” and “B” student, and I’m so sure, she will make me a happier sister by the end of her high school career.  I’m one proud sister. :)

My parents and Sister, at her middle school graduation.

This is my family <3

In the process of becoming a model

This was a photoshoot she had in Malibu for her sweet 15.

My two sisters next to me and cousins on the other side.

 My beautiful sister (:

I'm so proud of all her achievements. 

Blood is sure thicker than water!!! 

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Movie Night-------Turn Into An Aventura Blog! (:

This past week was so crazy. On Thursday my cousin invited me to her house for a girls movie nigh. We had pizza and chips. It was a good time. Most of all of our girl friends couldn’t make it. But we still had a great time. The only ones that made it was my friend Jasmine, Alma, Yvette, Wendy and my Cousin Sandy’s boyfriend Manny. We watched the movie “Switched”. It was a great movie. After the movie night was over we all, were catching up and having a great time. In a couple of hours it was going to be my cousin’s boyfriend “18” birthday. I remember telling him to stay so we can sing “Happy Birthday”, but he couldn’t stay since he had to take Jasmine home and he also had work the next morning.

As he was leaving he told my cousin, “I thought you were going to do me a surprise dinner or something, since the girls were over.” We all laughed at him. My cousin felt bad, but told him, “Babe this was a movie night just for the girls and I, so we can catch up on things. You’re lucky you were invited.” Poor Manny actually thought we had something plan out for him. Everyone left my cousin house and, I decided to sleep over. We were in her room talking and she told me, “dude I feel bad because Manny thought I was having something for him.” We should take him a cake to his house at 12:00 or something cute. I wasn’t in the mood. But I told my cousin, how about we just go and decorate his car how you did it last year.  She didn’t want to do the same thing. But I told her it should be a tradition every year on his birthday. That’s something cute and creative.

So 12:00 came, and we were on Skype singing “happy birthday” to him. After we were done he said, “I have to go to sleep, I have work early in the morning.” So we said bye and started our plan for his decorations of his cars. Our friend Yvette picked my cousin and me and, took us to Walgreens. It was 12:30 and we were buying the things to decorate his car. We got to his house around 1 in the morning. We were so scared of getting caught by him. Since we were going to make a lot of noise, decorating the car with the string spry. We started to decorate his car with streamers. I even cut out an “18 number” out of a poster, and put balloons all over his car. At one point we got scared, because a cop car past by, while we were decorating his car. But he saw we were writing “Happy Birthday” so didn’t stop to check up on us. Our hearts had drop for a second. After the cop had kept driving we continued with the decorations. We were finally finished. We took a lot of picture of our crazy night. This movie night had turn into an adventure. We ended our night at jack in the box, treating ourselves with mid-night sacks. After a job well done. 

Before our adventure began (: With our zebra tape. We try looking for black tape, or some sorta of black maker. Because we wanted to look like we were on a mission. Ha!

Writing Happy Birthday(:

This is something silly, I decided to write(:

 My cousin Sandy (:

1:30 in the morning, doing arts and crafts. I told my cousin, "Only would I be cutting out of a poster in the middle of the night."

Hope you enjoyed my movie night. That turned into an adventure. (:

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Grad-night at Disneyland Blog! (:

All-nighters at Disneyland sounds like a dream come true, right?  It’s called “grad-night” and it has been an icon of both the park-and California for many years. It’s a symbol that high school seniors have made it and deserves a party of their own, entire one their parents can sanction, and one in which they can participate with abandon. I got the chance to go and spend an entire night at Disneyland with my friends. This is one of the activities all seniors are look forward to at the end of their senior year. 

The day before grad-night I was in the hospital due to high fevers and I tend to get sick a lot from my tonsils. So that didn’t help my situation at all. The doctor had told my mom that I wasn’t going to be allowed to attend grad-night because that would affect my heath and I would be back in hospital. He had also said, “I had to take a week off school.” That was crazy talk, I thought to myself since I was graduating the following Friday. All I could do was pray I would get better for grad-night. Especially since it was something I had work so hard for and it was also one in a life time thing for Disneyland to have a night just for teenagers. I couldn’t let this pass me by. I hadn’t been absent my senior year. So I decided to take off the day of grad-night to rest, just so I could be good for the night. 

As the time came close to grad-night I was still feeling sick, but I made sure I was wearing warm clothes. I took my medication and I got a bit better. With the motivation of getting ready with my best friend Selina helped me a lot. It was a good time. On our way to Disneyland my friends and I were so anxious to get there. We all decided to take a little nap just so we can be wide awake for the rest of the night ahead of us. We had arrived to the theme park at 10:00 but due to so many buses students were forced to wait in lines and on the buses for more than an hour. The system in place at the park involves a Disneyland Cast Member boarding each bus and providing students with a wristband. So we didn’t get into the park till 11:30.

I remember seeing so many buses and schools from all over the valley. Some school even came from out of state. Overall Grad-night was just how I had imagined it would be. I got to experience a night with all my friends I would never forgot of. Despite the fact I was sick, I turn my night upside down and made the best of it. I wasn’t going to let anything come in the way of my hard achievements. Grad-night will always be one of the best highlights of my senior year activities. 


This picture was taken, while waiting for the privates of the Caribbean ride.  

I took this picture when I entered the theme park. (:

First picture of the night with all my close friends.

My girls and I. After coming from the hip-hop club.

Hope you enjoyed my blog on my grad-night experience. (:

Sunday, September 11, 2011

My College Summit Blog! (:

During my junior year in high school I got the experience of being chosen to go on a college summit trip as an incoming senior. In order to be a college summit “Peer Leader” you had to have good grades and a good g.p.a. The way this worked was ---- your advisory teacher had to choose from the whole class room only 3 students that had good skills of being a leader and someone who he could trust in, and knew they were going to follow all the instructions, to be able to come back and help their peers during our senior year. I guess I fit the part, and was able to go.

This trip was to the University of Redlands on July 11, 2010. We stayed there for 4days and 3nights. There were two schools going on this trip, Inglewood high school and Arleta high school. I got the experience to live in a dorm for--- four days with a roommate from Inglewood high. The first day of being roommates was kind of silent because we didn’t know anything about each other. But during this trip we had workshops that included getting to know one another. Therefore being roommates with someone from a different school, not being your schoolmates was good. Because you actually got the experience of being roommates with people you didn’t know, and I learned so many wonderful things from my roommate Helen.

Some of the workshops we did were… Learning how to finance your money, doing a personal statement, Resume, learn how to do a college application, have a college list, senior-Year plan and learning how to do an application for FASFA. I learned all of this just so I can go back to my high school prepared and to be able to help my peers in my advisory achieve their goals for college.

During the college summit trip we had our scheduled plan out for each day. Each morning we had to wake up early get ready and go to breakfast. After we would meet up and have a session of the things they were teaching us. We had a college counselor & a writing college coach. We got to meet with them. My college counselor basically guided me to what path would interest me the most for my career. My college writing coach, thought me how to write my personal statement. They had a picnic plan out for us and a banquet

Being able to be part of the 2010 College Summit Workshop was something so special to me. College summit really helped me in so many ways. Starting my junior year I started to think about my senior year, and what were going to be my plans after leaving high school. I really didn’t have a clued about my future and that’s when college summit changed everything! They gave me ideas about many ways I could get into college, what to know and be prepared for. This has been one of the BEST Memorable experiences I’ve gone through. I left college summit with so many great memories and I got closer to people that I was already close to! I wish I can go back to high school just to do “College Summit” all over again. 

This was my wonderful roommate Helen.Whom I shared so many good memories with. She would wake me up every morning, just because I wasn't use to waking up so early in the mornings.

This was were I did my personal statement. In "Sara Grace Parker Hall Of Letters." Wonderful place by the way.

Starting my experiences as a College Summit PeerLeader with Thania and Isaac, this was our first day of arrival. We were very close when we went to this trip, but left The Redlands Closer than never.

I love taking pictures. This was one of my favorites.  This picture shows so much history within the building.

This picture was taken by one of our leaders, while playing a game of "Green Light". 

Leaving was the hardest part of my trip to The University Of Redlands. :(