Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Blog#12 Thanksgiving Week/Weekend !

My Cousin and I(: At Buffalo Wild Wings Restaurant.
Thanksgiving week and weekend was one of the best weeks of November by far.  On Wednesday my favorite friend came to visit from riverside. I went out with her and a few of our friends for dinner to Buffalo Wild Wings in Burbank, and had dinner. After dinner we were on our way Yogurtland when I bumped into a homeless man. It was very cold outside. I had taken my food that I hadn’t eaten at Buffalo Wild Wings to go.  I decide to give it to the homeless man. His face was so priceless seeing how happy I had made the man feel. He told me, “thank you miss, I haven’t ate all day.” I replied, “Your welcome, and have a Happy Thanksgiving tomorrow.” Hearing him “say god bless you one,” made my night happier. I love seeing people smile. Especially if it’s for a good cause. I ended my night before thanksgiving very grateful. 


Thanksgiving morning was the next day. My family has a tradition of playing football in the morning, while the moms cook the thanksgiving dinner. All the men in my family, my aunt, cousins, sisters and I went to Santa Clarita to a park where the men would play against each other. It’s a tradition to go each year to the same park. It started off great, but unfortunate one of my uncles close friend got injured during a play. We had to call 911, he twisted his ankle. The paramedic had to cut his shoe off his foot, that’s how bad his ankle was. It was a horrible year for our family tradition of some morning football. I hope next years thanksgiving morning will be a better one.  Later on Thanksgiving Day, my close friends were playing football at Balboa Lake Park. For the meanwhile my cousin Sandy, my two sisters Valerie and Erica and I decided to rent a cart to ride around the Balboa Lake Park. It was so much fun; meanwhile the boys were playing football we drove around the park. Thanksgiving overall was a blessing day for my family and I. I had a wonderful morning despite some of the bad injuries a family friend member had to go through. Afternoon at the Balboa Park was an awesome time and my highlight of my Thanksgiving was, being to spend a day with my whole family having a big dinner. I’m so bless to have a wonderful family and friends.
The men in my family were the ones with the White shirts. This was a private park in Santa Clarita.

My Cousin and I, being silly while the guys played football(:

Balboa Park(:

My two sisters in the back Valerie & Erica.

Balboa Lake Park, What a wonderful way to spend our Thanksgiving morning.

Friday, I spend my day with my partner, his brother & my sisters. We went hiking to a near by place by my house. It was a good time, being able to spend our Friday and the rest of our weekend together. I enjoy spending time with my partner and sisters because we sure do act like kids when were around our siblings. We hiked for an hour and went back to my house and had a movie night. Saturday and Sunday was a chill weekend with my partner, his brother and my sisters. We watched movies and had a sisters and brothers bonding weekend. I’m very blessed with wonderful people.
My partner loves to read. So therefore I had him reading to me.

My Partner Damion & I. What a wonderful hiking day.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Blog# 11 Birthday Week/Weekend

My Birthday was this Wednesday, November 16. I have to say, this birthday has been a great birthday by far. On Wednesday my family had cake & dinner for me. My grandmother made my favorite Mexican dish & my mom got me my favorite cake. My favorite Mexican dish that my grandma made for me was sopes. It’s a hand made tortilla with chicken, cream, lettuce, Mexican cheese, and my grandma’s home made hot sauce. It was delicious! My favorite cake is a chocolate mocha cream cake and my mom sure did surprise me. I love my family. Later on that night I went out with my close friends to Hollywood Hookah Lounge. It was a great time, especially because I was with my friends. I’m really grateful for this year’s birthday. I got to spend my birthday with my family and friends. 

Chocolate Mocha Cream Cake<3 I Love my 19th birthday (Owl Theme) :) I LOVE Owl's<3

My two favorite little cousins(:

My little cousin Sofie Marie, She's my little twin. I looked just like her when I was a baby. (:

My Birthday Night spend it with my girl firends & RayJ. He's an R&B Singer(:

Thursday was my friend Sarah’s birthday so we went out to a club in Hollywood. It was really fun. We basically went out for both of our birthdays. Thursday night was a girl’s night out, and a great one too. The music in the club was really good, and the good thing about this club was that there were two sides to it. Friday night, my best friend Selina invited me to go with her to her boy friends football game. It was our old high school, Arleta vs. Birmingham.  It was such a great time; I really miss the Friday night football games. It sure did bring a lot of good memories from high school. I ended my Friday night in City Walk with my friend Carolina & Desiree. We went out for dinner to Johnny Rockets and had a great time. It was bonding time with my two girl friends. After dinner we walked around City Walk and bought some candy. We didn’t stay in City Walk for a long time, since it started to rain. Overall my week was a great birthday week.

At City Walk, Shopping for Candy.(:

Saturday night, I spend it with my partner. I went over to his house and he cooked dinner for both of us. He cooked chicken fajitas and white rice. It was a wonderful dinner. We watched a few movies. We watched the movie “Friday”, “The Wrong Turn pt.3” & “Friday the 13th.”  It’s always a wonderful time when I’m with him. We don’t really like going out on rainy days, so every time were together we’re either playing games or watching movies.  My Saturday night was wonderful. 

So therefore this year’s birthday has been a wonderful one. I have been having a wonderful week and weekend. I got to spend my birthday with my loved ones and today is Sunday. So that means family Sunday for me and my family. I couldn’t ask for a better birthday week/weekend.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Blog#10 Weekend Fun

This Friday I spend my night with my great friend Ruben. We went to the Burbank AMC 16 Theater. We watched the movie “A Very Harold and Kumar 3D Christmas.” We missed the showing at 9:15 p.m; therefore we bought the ticket for the showing at 11:30 p.m. For the meanwhile we decide to waste some time at Chuck-E-Cheese.  It was so much fun. I hadn’t been to Chuck-E-Cheese in so long.  We played most of the games.  It was so funny watching me enjoying the games, just being relaxed and having some fun.  It’s always good having fun in a place for little kids. It makes you forget about how old your becoming.------(Lol). After having a great time at Chuck-E-Cheese, Ruben and I headed back to the movie theater to watch the movie.  The story line about this movie is about how six years have elapsed since Guantanemo Bay, leaving Harold and Kumar estranged from one another with very different families, friends and lives. But when Kumar arrives on Harold's doorstep during the holiday season with a mysterious package in hand, he inadvertently burns down Harold's father-in-law's beloved Christmas tree. To fix the problem, Harold and Kumar embark on a mission through New York City to find the perfect Christmas tree, once again stumbling into trouble at every single turn. This movie is very funny, but I wouldn’t recommend for little kids to watch it. It’s a very graphic movie. It shows a lot of sex, nudity, violence, gores profanity, alcohol, drugs, smoking, frightening & intense scenes.  Also since it’s a 3D movie most of the nudity, drugs, & violence is 3D.  Overall my Friday night went just as plan. 

Saturday day/night I spend it at Pierce College. My friend Jose and cousin Sandy Cheer for the football team and it was the last game of the season against Valley College.  Pierce College had been remolding their football stadium all season and this last game they were able to use it. The school also had a tribute for the veterans. It was nice seeing that Pierce College has a lot of school spirit and support of their community. Some veterans were at the football game as well. I was the first person that got interview before the game by one of the new reporters of the college. It was sweet, the guy just asked me, “How I felt about the new football stadium and how I felt about their school spirit?” I really loved and enjoyed my Saturday night at Pierce College. I’m defiantly thinking about finishing my two years at Pierce. 

Ruben & I. (Our Chuck-E-Cheese Tattoo's) <3

After the movie was over we decided to take our last picture of the night(:

Taking pictures during the game(:

Cousin Sarah<3

1st home game, on the new stadium :)
Overall I had a great weekend. Friday was very relaxing, Saturday was fun. Especially because my favorite sport to watch is football. I will finish my Sunday on a great note. My grandparents are coming over tonight for dinner. My family always gets together Sundays and we play games and just enjoy each others company. It always nice to spend my Sunday day/night with my family.